Thursday, December 30, 2010

Late Christmas present!

I had to run a few errands in town today and after i decided to stop by the Chamber of Commerce and see what they had.  I walked in and directly to my right, there was a shelf full of pamphlets and brochures of places in Maine and then i saw it.  A single shelve just with business cards.  I picked as many as i could.  I just came home and went through the stack.  Not including doubles, i managed to snag 47 different bc's.  Included in the 47 are some favorites.  They are as follows:

1: 3 real estate agents with pic (Kieffer Insurance)
2: 1 Veteran (Maine Veterans Homes)
3: 1 odd (TAPIS: Paranormal Investigation Society)
4: 1 Hotel/motel (Hampton Inn)
5: 1 restaurant/fast food (Tim Hortons)

At the end of the year, my current count is: 23,899

Happy collecting everyone and a Happy New Year!  Hope 2011 brings good collecting and trading.

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