Tuesday, December 14, 2010

today's pickups

I picked up 3 more different cards for my collection:

#1- Vertical about Maine nature photography
#2- general bc for pet grooming
#3- general bc for an arts & crafts store

Happy collecting everyone!


boromax said...

Hey, Von!
Cool to see you popping up in my Blogger Dashboard (because I "follow" your blog).

I've been crazy stinkin' busy and distracted forever. Can't keep up with the Yahoo! lists hardly.

I'm planning to "decommission" my bc collection some time soon, and I hope to get 'em organized then offer 'em to the Group for the price of postage; probably in groups of 500 or so.

Y'all will be hearing from me eventually. Tho't I'd just take a sec to send you a note since I saw you in my dashboard.

Happy Holidays! and Success Collecting!!!

taggz_82@yahoo.com said...

Hey its great to hear from you Ed. If you are seriously thinking about offering your BC's, i'd be interested. I'll pay for the entire thing if you would like. Please let me know, and it will be sad to see you go as a collector. Great to hear from you again. Happy Holidays!