Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Thanks Joseph for sending me birthday bc's.  They were great.

Happy collecting everyone!

Friday, January 21, 2011


I want to thank Arthur and Orren for the birthday bc's sent to me over the last few days.

I also went over a friend's house the other day and was telling them about how i collect business cards for a hobby.  Well sure enough i had a total of 5 new bc's given to me by them.  They are nice ones too!

I also got the ABCC newsletter form Jim and Sue today.  Another great year in 2011 for the club!

Happy collecting everyone!

Monday, January 17, 2011


I want to thank Teri and Leroy G for the b-dau bc's sent to me on Saturday.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Happy collecting everyone!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

more b-day cards

I want to thank Penny and Paul for the b-day bc's.  They are very much appreciated.

Happy collecting everyone!

Monday, January 10, 2011

more b-day cards

I would like to thank Sheila S., LeRoy and Conrad for sending me bc's for my birthday.  They are really appreciated.  Thanks again!

Happy collecting everyone!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I want to thank Jeff H. for the birthday bc's.  Thay are appreciated.

I was watching tv the other day and had a commercial about a CEO for 7/11 and part of the commercial they had a camera panned close up to the business cards on his desk.  It was cool.  It had the 7/11 graphic on the upper left hand corner but the rest was black and white like a standard bc.

Happy collecting everyone!

Friday, January 7, 2011

News and Notes

First of all i want to thank Otis for sending me bc's for my birthday this month.  They are appreciated.

Next i was cleaning up in the house when i found a few business cards to add to my collection.
                                 1. 1 Insurance Agency
                                 2. 1 Recreational/Camps
                                 3. 1 Magnetic/Pizza place
                                 4. 1 personal from family friend/collector
                                 5. 1 military/National Guard

Finally i wanted to let everyone know who reads my blog and i will send a message to the IBCC and ABCC, that i am looking for 2 certain cards to add to my collection.  One is a bc of any hot dog vendor, preferably with a pic on it and second, i am looking for an A&W restaurant bc that has a gold background to it.  If anybody finds them or has them and wants to trade, i will make the trade worth while.  You can leave a message here on my blog or email at taggz_82@yahoo.com.  Thank you.

Happy collecting everyone!

Monday, January 3, 2011

in the mail!

Want to thank Virgie for the birthday bc's.  Thank you!

Happy collecting everyone!

Saturday, January 1, 2011